Bursaries and Financial Support
New Dancer Recruitment - Clubs
Each year EOSARDA sets aside up to $3000 for new dancer recruitment and club promotion.
Individual clubs who register their dancers through EOSARDA are eligible to apply for up to $300 each year.
Click here for the Form and see side bar for more information.
Have a Question? or to submit a request for reimbursement, send an email to: financialsupport@eosarda.ca.
Covid-Related Expenses-Clubs
EOSARDA has established a program for full reimbursement of Covid-related expenses incurred by member clubs between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, up to a maximum of $100. Requests will be accepted until June 30, 2022. See Chapter 16 of the Procedures Manual for more details and how to submit requests."
Bursaries - Callers/Cuers and Leaders:
There are a number of sources for Bursaries and assistance available to enable and encourage attendance at Caller/Cuer/Leader workshops and training courses. These include
Follow the links above for more information.